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Queensland Annual Report


Strata Community Association (Qld)'s Annual Report provides an overview of our performance on behalf of the industry, explaining who we are, what we do and how we do it, along with our key achievements.


Andrew Davidson
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SCAQ is pleased to introduce you to our President, Noosa based Team Body Corporate owner Andrew Davidson becoming President.

Andrew has a lifetime of outstanding business experience, having CEO of Woolworths New Zealand, helped found Kids Help Line in New Zealand and was a director of Barnardos. Getting itchy in early retirement, he acquired Noosa Body Corporate in 2015, which owing to its immense growth was recently re-branded Team Body Corporate.

Andrew’s depth of experience across body corporate, executive leadership and not-for-profit is the ideal training matrix to lead SCAQ. In addition, Andrew’s calm, considered demeanour and passion for the industry demonstrate he also has the “special sauce” required to lead our sector as we head into our 40th Anniversary year.

As a medium size strata business owner, Andrew is uniquely attuned to the issues facing a huge swathe of our members. He is particularly passionate about ensuring a positive culture in our industry and seeing reform introduced to professionalise and modernise the sector.


Andrew, seeing the impact on some of his own staff is particularly eager to see anti-bullying provisions inserted into the Act.

Andrew also see’s positioning strata as part of the overarching push towards greater environmental sustainability as part of his remit as a thought leader in our sector. We are delighted to have an experienced business leader and strata manager taking our organisation forward in a watershed year of reform and celebration.


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Want to see how SCA (Qld) and the industry have performed over the years? Take a look back through our past Annual Reports.


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