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Entries are now open!

The Queensland Strata Community Awards for Excellence, are our sector’s platform to come together and recognise, celebrate and promote our highest-achieving professionals in the strata industry. The Awards acknowledge those in our sector at all levels who excel in their role and contribute significantly to the strata industry.

Quick links:

There is an award to suit everyone, take a look at the categories and gain a better understanding of the criteria for each.

The judging process in a nutshell.

Determine which category suits you visit our online portal to begin your application.


Take a look back in the achievements of the past Queensland Award winners.

Read the condition of entry for the Awards

We are happy to chat with you about the awards process and get you on your way to becoming an award winner.

Why Enter?

The Queensland Strata Community Awards for Excellence rewards and promotes excellence in the management and operation of strata management businesses and recognises the contribution of individuals to the strata profession in Queensland.

Benefits of Applying
There are many benefits to be gained from entering the Queensland Strata Community Awards for Excellence:

  • The process of preparing a submission helps directors, principals and individuals to critically review their individual business practices and performance;

  • It enables agencies and individuals to identify their best business practices, initiatives and greatest achievements over the previous year;

  • It provides access to external and independent analysis of performance via a team of experienced judges for the Awards; and

  • It’s a valuable team building exercise for management and staff.

Benefits to Finalists and Winners
Award recipients will also enjoy:

  • The opportunity to promote their Award to clients, the general public and business associates;

  • Greater recognition amongst peers;

  • Publicity of their achievements through SCA (Qld), local and state-wide media and social media;

  • Use of an Award winner and finalist logo provided by SCA (Qld) (may be used for 12 months from the Awards presentation); and

  • An Award for winners that can be displayed by a strata business or individual.

Entering the Awards

Everything you need to know about entering is accessible via the links below. Once you've determined your eligibility and gathered everything you need, entering is easy. Login to our online awards platform, follow the prompts, ensuring you complete each section. Then, submit your entry.


It couldn't be easier!

Key Dates

What's Happening
Entries Open
Friday, 31 May 2024
Entries Close
Friday, 26 July 2024
Judging Commences
Friday, 2 August 2024
Interviews Commence
Monday, 2 September 2024
Gala Award Presentations
Friday, 18 October 2024

Queensland Strata Community Award Supporters

Our Awards would not be possible without the support of our sponsors!


Interested in sponsoring our 2024 Awards for Excellence? Contact our Events & Sponsorship Officer Kirsty Trevor for more options and to discuss what would be best for you -

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