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Cozy Apartment

Resources for lot owners

So, you own a lot in a strata community? And, perhaps you have just started to get information rom your body corporate. Don't panic! We're here to provide you with the basic information you need to get started.




  1. 法人團體經理不是法人團體。

  2. 實體法人稅被支付到實體法人銀行帳戶中,而不去到實體法人經理。

  3. 法人團體經理無權執行法人團體的職能(除非沒有委員會,並且根據法令第5章,法人團體經理已委派執行法人團體的所有職能)。

  4. 法人團體經理不能批准所有者的請求,因為這些請求必須由委員會或所有者在股東大會上批准(取決於請求的性質)。

  5. 各項法規要求規定了諸如工作健康與安全,消防安全,保險估價,沉沒基金預測和石棉報告之類的合規項目,它們不是層經理的要求。


The body corporate
The body corporate manager (BCM)
Maintains, manages, and controls the common property for the benefit of all lot owners.
Carries out the duties contained within the administration agreement with the body corporate.
Set the budgets, the amounts to be paid by the owners to make sure the body corporate has sufficient funds to meet expenses.
Prepares draft budgets and financial statements for the committee to consider, approve and submit to all owners for consideration at the annual general meeting.
Makes decisions (committee or general meeting), enforces the by-laws (the rules that apply to owners and occupiers to help regulate the use of common property and lots at each scheme).
Has no decision-making power and can only act on the instruction of the committee (including, for example, by assisting the committee to prepare the required paperwork for the enforcement of by-laws).
Insures the common property and buildings (and also insures against public risk) as required by the legislation.
Arranges the insurance and pays the premiums on behalf of and at the instruction of the body corporate.
Manages and maintains body corporate assets and approves related expenditure from body corporate funds.
Maintains the body corporate records in accordance with the legislative requirements; conducts banking under the instructions of the committee.
Keeps records for body corporate, including meeting minutes, roll of owners' details, financial accounts, registers of assets, improvements to common property by owners, and a contracts register.
Distributes correspondence, meeting agendas and minutes of meetings.
Approves the agenda and meeting material before it is distributed (other than owner motions, which must be included without change).
Prepares meeting material and minutes of the meetings at the direction of the committee. Does not have authority to submit or amend a motion or to add an item to a meeting agenda.
Chairperson chairs all meetings at which they are present; if not present, the persons present and entitled to vote decide who chairs the meeting (doesn't have to be the BCM or another committee member).
Cannot chair meeting if chairperson is present; if chairperson not present, the persons present and entitled to vote decide who chairs the meeting (does not have to be BCM or another committee member).



Window Insulation



Apartment Building

情況說明書:Strata Insurance-租金損失政策


Leaflet photo.PNG



Cage Lamp



Fire Extinguisher



Student Writing



Business Meeting



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